Sales & Events
14th Annual Bull & Female Sale - October 18, 2025
One of the most exciting moments each year for Angell-Thomas Charlolais is when we host the Annual Sale. Now in its 14th year, the sale is a place where camaraderie is shared, along with a good meal and exceptional cattle. Open heifers, bred heifers, and bulls will be up for auction.
Thank you to our past buyers and bidders. We greatly appreciate the support of everyone involved. Please let us know if we can help with any questions in the future.
Please feel free to view our sale lots and sale videos from our October 2024 Sale.
These videos represent the type and quality of the cattle offered at our annual production sale.

Bred Heifers
We will be offering approximately 45 bred heifers. Our females were sorted and selected prior to breeding based on disposition, reproduction tract scores and pelvic measurements. The heifers were vaccinated with their pre-breeding shots and dewormed. The heifers are home-raised or sired by Angell Thomas Genetics.

This year’s sale will feature 15 yearling bulls and seven 18 month old bulls including several several Charolais Red Angus composite bulls. The bulls have been fed a high fiber, growing ration that is nutritionally balanced and primarily comprised of forages, corn, and fescue grass grown on our farm. This ration allows for good structural development and longevity. We have found that this diet combined with the exercise they get in the large, shaded paddocks, provides a solid foundation for years of successful breeding. We will be ultrasounding and taking yearling weights and measurements in late August. Pictures and videos will be taken the first few weeks of September. Please feel free to give us a call with any questions and we look forward to seeing you on October 18th. If you are not able to attend, please remember the sale with be broadcast on DVAuction.